In The Pipeline....

Soul Renegade
Completion TBC - Book 2 Seeded Souls
Currently in planning/development/early writing stage.
Strange disasters and a mystery cult spread the seeds of discord among the Galzian citizens. Lord Edward suspects something is amiss and searches for answers. The unrest grows leading to the assassionation of members of the nobility. And Edward's drawing their attention...
Elaneith returns to Estaria, troubled by what she's learnt about the state of their world. Nothing will be the same again. Everyone knows she's not an ordinary priestess. Pressure piles on her as her temple push for her to take on more responsibilities and the Elven council have their own plans for her. She finds herself drawn into the conflicts of their human neighbours.
Can Elaneith and Edward stop Galzias from tearing itself apart?
Heroes of the Ages*
*Working title, subject to change
Competion TBC - Book 1 Heroes of the Ages
Currently in planning/development/early writing stage
The Earth's tears are powerful, but turn most who absorb them into the corrupted. The few who aren't, gain new abilities based on their own natural strengths. The same few enhanced humans have been locked in a battle with the corrupted for centuries. Going mostly under the radar...
Until now.
When Lilith, a smart teenage school girl, hears the widely ridiculed theory about the heroes of the ages she makes a blase comment. It's too convenient for them to magically appear altogether. And this time, they don't.
The heroes find themselves inexplicably drawn to Lilith, but they're not the only ones. She seems to be at the centre of everything as the corrupted advance their plans. It's not just Lilith who's in danger. But anyone and everyone near her.

Even further down the Pipe....
Also currently in planning/development/early writing stage is a prequel series to the Heroes of the Ages series. This series (Heroes of the Ages: Origins) will follow the lives of the heroes individually set in their own time periods. Coming to grips with their abilities and their first conflicts with the corrupted. Ultimately becoming trapped in a cycle, coming in and out of a stasis to pop in and out of history.